Juneteenth Weekend
The African American Cultural Collaborative of Mercer County (AACCofMC) in partnership with the NJ Legislative District 15 (Senator Shirley Turner, Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds Jackson, and Assemblyman Anthony Verrelli), the Mercer County Park Commission, and Outdoor Equity Alliance are planning the Juneteenth Celebration. This event is scheduled for Friday, June 17 through Saturday, June 18, 2022 in the capital City of Trenton. As a Collaborative, we endeavor to be “more than just a festival,”. The goal of the Collaborative is to Educate, Empower, and Unite Africans in the diaspora through cultural arts, health and wellness, entertainment, and sports. The purpose of this carefully planned and socially distanced event is to highlight a few very poignant and current issues through displays of culture, collaboration, commerce, unity, and education. We are working closely with the City of Trenton and other partners to ensure public safety.

Juneteenth Vendor Fees
Date: June 17th, 12 pm to 8 pm
Merchandise- $125.00
Nonprofits selling – $75.00
Authors- $105.00
*Raindate= The following Friday